Climate actions in the Spanish Network of Green and Sustainable Libraries - Última sesión de EUROLIS - 23 de noviembre - online - 17 h. (16 h. GMT)


El 23 de noviembre será la última sesión de los webinar que Eurolis organiza. En esta ocasión los países invitados serán España y Portugal.

Climate actions in the Spanish Network of Green and Sustainable Libraries : working to achieve the SDG's of the 2030 Agenda

Rosario Toril. Presentation of RECIDA, the Spanish Network of Environmental Information and Documentation Centers and the climate actions they are carrying out in their green libraries on the path of sustainability to achieve the SDG's of the 2030 Agenda.

Isabel Minhós Martins will talk to us about some of these books, summarising the story told by each as well as something of the creative and publication processes by which they came to be.

Más información

Enlaces a todos los webinars:

- Sesión 1 : (9-11-2022)

- Sesíón 2: (16-11-2022)

- Sesión 3: (23/11/2022)






